Savings Account
Our savings account is designed to encourage you to save for a period to meet your future needs. You earn competitive interest on your account and can be used as security for loan.
Current Account
Our current account is provided to enable you to transact business, make payments by cheques, etc. You don’t need to carry huge sums of money everywhere you go to do business. Plus, you can enjoy an overdraft facility to meet your “just in case” need.
Fixed Deposit
Are you looking for an opportunity to earn good return on your investment? Do you want a safe and secure account for your money that has no immediate use? Then, this is the best option for you. You can purchase our fixed deposit at 91-days, 182 days or 365-days; with attractive interest rates.
Anidasuor Susu Savings
We recognise the fact that owners of businesses are not always able to leave their work places to deposit their money at the bank. This product gives the option of saving without walking to the bank. Our mobile bankers will always visit you for your daily savings so your business will not be interrupted.
Islamic Deposit Account
It is a deposit product designed for members of the Islamic community who may not want interest charged on their savings. There is no interest on the deposit.